East Bedfordshire

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Coach House

12 Market Square
SG19 2NP
Emailku.oc.nottopesuohhcaoc@selas Telephone(01767) 260221
Real AleReal FireQuiet PubFamily FriendlyGardenAccommodationLunchtime MealsEvening MealsParkingSmokingRestaurantFunction RoomDog FriendlyNewspapersWiFiServes LocAle
Opening times: Mon–Thu 10:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 10:00-24:00; Sun 11:00-22:00
Regular beers: Courage Best Bitter, Eagle IPA

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Built in 1785 as the Rose & Crown, to replace the old Crown, which burned down in the Great Fire of 1783. It later became the Old Coach House in 2002 and dropped the 'Old' part in 2012. A large open plan bar area with comfortable seating and two other rooms for dining & functions, all recently refurbished. A good selection of food at reasonable prices with emphasis on fresh seasonal and local produce. Now opening early from 10am for morning tea & coffee. There are 4 handpumps featuring two ales from Wells, plus two guests. Check events and menus on the website including Tuesday evening 'Steak by the Weight' special.